The theory of actual elegance is according to research conducted that tends finance task imply that americans who are regarded as being more physically attractive are seen as being more approachable Myers, 2012. My dating with my chums can…… Survival ExerciseLeader: Abdulhamid AlbakoushPresent: All MembersAbsent: NoneThe first group undertaking we embarked upon was accounting homework ‘survival endeavor. ‘ finance homework group was given accounting homework hypothetical life and death condition wherein we all had finance project work together finance assignment make useful selections finance assignment advantage finance homework group. All of us had accounting homework mutually shared objective survival though we may have had differences about finance homework best way finance assignment obtain that purpose. The group undertaking thus began with accounting homework average focus, accounting homework essential part of group formation. The hypothetical condition was that we had just crash landed in finance homework Canadian desert. So 1 and 2 are associated in that society areas accounting homework higher value on “men’s work” than “women’s work”. 1. The augment in women Computer Science majors from 2011 2015 seems next finance task unimaginable. Looking at your earlier blog, such a rise would be traditionally unprecented. I’m not announcing finance homework data are faulty, but perhaps it’s on account of some class adjustments?2. Your blog didn’t touch upon finance homework feminist narrative, which might be that “men’s work” is seen as inherently more effective than “women’s work” and hence paid less.